An Unique Modular Furniture & Interior Design Studio

Luxury Home Solution

With a team of highly skilled and passionate designers, we bring a unique blend of creativity, expertise, and attention to detail to every space we transform.

Arenovo Interior Design Studio
Established MMXXIII

Interior Design Firm Based in India

At Arenovo Interior Design Studio, we pride ourselves on delivering unparalleled excellence and surpassing our clients’ expectations with every project. Through meticulous planning, thoughtful selection of materials, and innovative design solutions, we bring life to spaces that evoke a sense of harmony, functionality, and beauty.

Our portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects, from residential homes to commercial spaces, each one tailored to perfection. We have built a reputation for delivering projects on time and within budget, all while maintaining the highest quality standards.

Our strong emphasis on clear communication and collaboration ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience for our clients throughout the design process. With our unwavering commitment to excellence and our ability to turn dreams into stunning realities, we stand as the best choice for discerning clients seeking an interior designer who can truly transform their spaces into captivating works of art.

Our Recent


Through thoughtful conversations and innovative design concepts, we transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary expressions of your personality and taste.

Elevate your surroundings with our expertise and turn your vision into a stunning masterpiece. Reach out now to explore the endless possibilities of extraordinary design.

Every Space Count
Every Space Count

Why Choose Us

Building Planning

Building planning plays a pivotal role in the realm of interior design. Interior designers are tasked with transforming the interior spaces of buildings into aesthetically pleasing, functional, and harmonious environments. In essence, building planning is the foundation upon which interior designers build their creative visions.

Renovating Space

Renovating a space is a transformative process that involves making significant changes to an existing interior or exterior area to improve its functionality, aesthetics, and overall appeal. It can range from a simple facelift to a complete overhaul, depending on the goals and budget of the project. Successful renovations not only enhance the space's visual appeal but also contribute to increased comfort, functionality, and overall satisfaction.

Interior Space

Interior space is the canvas upon which interior designers work their creative magic. It encompasses the physical area within a building's walls, floors, and ceilings and represents a blank slate for designers to shape and transform into functional, aesthetically pleasing environments.

Real Estates

Real estate, often referred to as "real estate" or "property," encompasses land, buildings, and natural resources such as minerals, water, and crops. It is a fundamental asset class that plays a pivotal role in the global economy and our daily lives. Real estate is a broad and multifaceted sector that encompasses the ownership, development, and utilization of physical properties. The real estate market involves the buying, selling, leasing, and development of properties.

Small Offices

Designing small offices presents a unique and exciting challenge for interior designers. These compact spaces demand creative solutions to maximize functionality, productivity, and aesthetics within limited square footage. Interior designers for small offices are experts at making the most out of limited space.

Free Consultation

A free consultation with an interior designer is an invaluable opportunity for individuals looking to enhance their living or working spaces. During this initial meeting, prospective clients can discuss their interior design needs, ideas, and vision with the designer without any financial commitment. It's an important initial step in the design process that fosters communication and understanding between the client and the designer before committing to a design project.

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